Thursday, 5 July 2018

Matariki Kite Day

Our group made a kite out of a black rubbish bag, paper,string, a toilet roll, colour and bamboo.
First we got the bamboo and made it into a star, then we stuck the bamboo on the rubbish bag with a hot glue gun.  Next we made stars then coloured them, cut them out and stuck them on the back of the kite. After that I thought about making a Matariki name in the middle of the kite so I did. I did it in bubble writing and also I cut it out. I had help with the bubble writing though.  After that we stuck the string on the toilet roll and with coloured pens we wrote Matariki on it. Then we glued the top of the string near the top so it could fly a bit higher.  I hope you liked our kite! 


  1. Hi my name is Enzo and I go to Ohaeawai school I like your kite you made it look so good I want to make one too. Thank you for some ideas blog you later.

  2. Hi Kyah, it's Louisa here from Ohaeawai School. I like your kite, it is so imaginative. Did it fly well? I like how you used eco-friendly resources apart from the rubbish bag.
    From Louisa

  3. Kia Ora, Kyah!
    Rikki-Lee from T2 here. It's cool how are school had a Matariki Kite day isn't it? Did your kite fly very well? It looks like you had a big group of people to help out. Hope you had fun making and flying your kite. maybe next time don't use hot glue because it can drag it down and not let it fly try and, tie it on!
    Bye Kyah From Rikki-Lee


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