Thursday 2 July 2020

Fox report. Information report on foxes.

The Tiny Fennec Fox Is All Ears | HowStuffWorksFox reportSciblogs | Book review: How to Tame a Fox
Introduction -  Have you ever liked fox’s? Well I have and I wish to have a pet fox one day. There are many breeds of foxes, There are actually about 37 breeds of foxes but there are only 12 that belong to the genus of true foxes. 

Paragraph 1: Types of Foxes
The 12 types of foxes that actually belong to the genus of true foxes are Arctic fox, Fennec fox, Pale fox, Blanford's fox, Cape fox, Corsac fox, Tibetan Sand fox, Swift fox, Kit fox, Ruppell's fox, Bengal fox, Red fox. Those are the main 12 true foxes and those are the foxes I'll be talking about! The red  fox is actually the most common known fox because that's the fox your most likely to see. You're most likely to find red foxes in Grasslands deserts, mountains forests and suburban areas Red foxes also have large up-right ears. And their hearing is so good they can hear a watch ticking 40 yards away! The red fox will continue to hunt even when its tummy is full. It stores the extra food under leaves, snow or dirt, to be eaten later. The male red fox is called a dog, while the female is called a vixen. An arctic fox is known as a white fox. The arctic fox has the warmest pelt of any animal found in the arctic. Enduring temperatures as 70 degrees. An arctic fox is a member of the canidae family of animals. The arctic fox is found in the arctic. I mean how could you not know that? Fennec foxes dwell in the sandy Sahara and elsewhere in North Africa. Their nocturnal habits help them deal with the searing heat of the desert environment, and some physical adaptations help as well. Their distinctive, batlike ears radiate body heat and help keep the foxes cool. That is just 3 types of the foxes, I could go on and on about them but i'll keep it like that there's more paragraphs to read anyways!

Paragraph 2: Predators
Topic Sentence: In the wilderness the cub foxes can fall prey to eagles. Adult foxes are prey to Coyotes grey wolves bears and mountain lions are very common prey to adult foxes. But red foxes also have another predator ((and other foxes)) their predator is humans, Us humans hunt down foxes for their fur but I stand against that. Humans hunt down foxes and kill them in large numbers of pests. I personally think foxes don't deserve that because imagine us as foxes and getting killed and hunted down for trying to survive and being pests and for our fur, How do you think we would feel then? Why would you even kill a helpless animal helping its family survive. We aren't their only predator but we can be a main predator.

Paragraph 3: Facts about foxes
Topic Sentence: When you see a group of foxes it is actually called a shulk or a leash. If you see a fox with whiskers on their legs and face that is just to help them navigate where they're going. Have you ever seen a cat retract their claws, Well grey foxes can do the same thing as cats can and retract their claws! Adult foxes dig underground to keep them safe from predators and keep their cubs safe. Y’know cats pupils all narrowly to help them navigate their way through night well foxes have a similar thing and have pupils like cats to help them see at night. 

I love foxes and I hope these facts have made you like them too. Do you have a favourite fox? I dont I love them all. Foxes have a lot of breeds and types but only 12 are true fox breeds.14 Fascinating Facts About Foxes | Mental Floss

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Kyah, Thanks for teaching me so much about foxes. You may like to research about fox-hunting in England. The hunt was once very popular until lots of people protested about this as being cruel and unfair to the fox. I think you would love Roald Dahl's novel Fantastic Mr Fox.


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