Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Power hill station walk

Hi, Today On Tuesday 2019 me, and the year sixes in mamaku one, and the whole of mamaku 2 went up to the grey mouth power hill station. We met this person called Cosmin, he was helping us, and teaching us some things about a word called... 

Electricity.   Electricity can be used for all sorts of things! like, using Chromebooks, cooking food, Do you know what helps electricity? Well  water, sun, wind, and power! Its simple.
Alot of us thought it was tiring walking up the hill, eh. I guess I could agree! It was pretty steep! Also when we got their it was freezing! When we were listening to Comsin I found out things I didnt even know!  I learnt how to work circuits, My favourite thing we did their was walking up the hill, and seeing the power hill station!

Heres some photos to show what we did today:  


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